Current view: All Resources
Artist: John Allin
Title: Protest at Whitechapel Road
Artist: John Allin
Title: Heneage St and Brick Lane
Artist: John Allin
Title: Hessel St
Artist: John Allin
Title: Jack's Coffee Shop
Artist: John Allin
Title: Market Scene
Artist: John Allin
Title: Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor
Artist: John Allin
Title: Spitalfields Great Synagogue
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: The Disappeared
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: A Camp of Twins
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: Liberation Day
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Death Cart
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Apocalypse
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Le Cheval et L'Ane
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: The Bridge
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Shtetl
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: To Give Birth to a Child for the Fuhrer
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: A Man's Hand
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Cityscape
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Dance according to Eastern Jewish Rite
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Head of a Woman
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Head of Orthodox Man Seen from Behind
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Holder of Knightly Order in the Third...
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: In the Aftermath of World War Two
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Jerusalem (Near No Man's Land)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Jewish Man in Landscape
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: King David
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: New Vases for Old
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Please Help Me to Find my Mother
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Portrait of a Man with Keffiyeh
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Portrait of a Young Arab, at the Foyer...
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Seated Nude Figure, Turned Left
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Tower of David
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Two Horses
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (27.08.1961)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Arab Woman Carrying Tray...
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Cityscape)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Man with Hat)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Man's Hand)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Rabbi)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Rabbi) (II)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Still Life Objects)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Street Scene)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Tree)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled (Woman and Figures)
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Untitled
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: The Ghost Town
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: Ruined Cities (I)
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: Ruined Cities (II)
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: Ruined Cities (III)
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Still Life with Guitar
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Dahlias and Daisies in a Blue Vase
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Portrait of a Girl (artist's sister Sophie)
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Portrait of a Man with a Bow Tie
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Portrait of a Man
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Still Life (Winter cherries)
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Portrait of a Girl (artist's sister Sophie)
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Still Life, Vase with Flowers
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Flame of Remembrance
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Africa
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Africa
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Ballerina
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Family Group
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Flower
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Head of a Man (I)
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Head of a Man (II)
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Head of a Man with Beard
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Head of a Woman
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Jacob's Ladder
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Nazi Soldier with Jews
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Scaffolders
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Scaffolders
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Two Male Figures
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Two Male Figures
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Untitled (Mittens with Gyroscope)
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Untitled (Shark's Head)
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Woman and Child
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Woman with Cat
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Interrogation
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: My Grandfather in Auschwitz
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: Group of Jews - The Minyan
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: Jewish Family in the Snow
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: Mother and Children in Holland Park
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Wohnungs Kultur im Ghetto
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Ein Transport ist gekommen, alles in...
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Volkzählungʺ Ordnung müß sein
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Jew Ghetto
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Raum für den ʺSupermanʺ Kommand...
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: SS Hund
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Kinder auf Wege nach Auschwitz
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Wie viele Kalorien sind eigentlich...
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Leben am Marktplatz
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Gesundheitswesen
Artist: Margaret Marks
Title: Composition
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Family Photograph
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: The Breakfast Table
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: Mischa Elman Playing the Violin
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: Portrait of Gertrude Salaman
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: Portrait of Henrietta Lowy Solomon
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: Reclining Woman
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: The Field The Artist:'s Daughter...
Artist: John Allin
Title: Protest at Whitechapel Road
Annotation: Figure on roof
Artist: John Allin
Title: Protest at Whitechapel Road
Annotation: Individual actions
Artist: John Allin
Title: Protest at Whitechapel Road
Annotation: Man climbing lampost
Artist: John Allin
Title: Protest at Whitechapel Road
Annotation: Perspective
Artist: John Allin
Title: Protest at Whitechapel Road
Annotation: Splattered egg
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: The Disappeared
Annotation: 2D
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: The Disappeared
Annotation: Compare colours
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: The Disappeared
Annotation: Restricted palette
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: The Disappeared
Annotation: Think red paint
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: The Disappeared
Annotation: Vanishing point
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Barbed wire
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Bare feet
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Colours
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Fence
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Ghostly
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Group of people
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Hair colour
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: The Last Goodbye
Annotation: Perspective
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Apocalypse
Annotation: Arrows
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Apocalypse
Annotation: Black ink
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Apocalypse
Annotation: Clock
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Apocalypse
Annotation: Cow and Violin
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Apocalypse
Annotation: L Shaped
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Apocalypse
Annotation: Nazi character
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: The Bridge
Annotation: One point perspective
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: The Bridge
Annotation: Size of people
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: The Bridge
Annotation: Use of red
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: The Bridge
Annotation: Vibrant colours
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Shetl
Annotation: Isolation
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Shetl
Annotation: Modern amenities
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Shetl
Annotation: Pastel and vivid colours
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Shetl
Annotation: Perspective
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: To Give Birth to a Child for the Fuhrer
Annotation: Dark light
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: To Give Birth to a Child for the Fuhrer
Annotation: Following gaze
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: To Give Birth to a Child for the Fuhrer
Annotation: madonna
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: To Give Birth to a Child for the Fuhrer
Annotation: Messy urgency
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: To Give Birth to a Child for the Fuhrer
Annotation: Representation of hitler
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: To Give Birth to a Child for the Fuhrer
Annotation: Triangle
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: The Ghost Town
Annotation: High horizon
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: The Ghost Town
Annotation: Scorch marks
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: The Ghost Town
Annotation: Sun Sky Land
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: Bun and loaf
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: Contrast
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: Grid
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: in the room
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: large hands
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: Ovals
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: Shading and outlines
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Rabbi and Rabbitzen
Annotation: Table
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Flame of Remembrance
Annotation: Curve
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Flame of Remembrance
Annotation: Faces
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Flame of Remembrance
Annotation: Flame shape
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Flame of Remembrance
Annotation: Hebrew text
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Interrogation
Annotation: 3rd man
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Interrogation
Annotation: Blanket in window
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Interrogation
Annotation: Blood on tiles
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Interrogation
Annotation: Bottle
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Interrogation
Annotation: Stool
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: My Grandfather in Auschwitz
Annotation: Corpses
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: My Grandfather in Auschwitz
Annotation: Eyes
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: My Grandfather in Auschwitz
Annotation: Kippah
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: My Grandfather in Auschwitz
Annotation: Red sky
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: My Grandfather in Auschwitz
Annotation: Young boy
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Wohnungs Kultur im Ghetto
Annotation: Angles
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Wohnungs Kultur im Ghetto
Annotation: Cracked ground
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Wohnungs Kultur im Ghetto
Annotation: Hunched figures
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Wohnungs Kultur im Ghetto
Annotation: Light and dark
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Wohnungs Kultur im Ghetto
Annotation: Triangle Rectangle
Artist: Margaret Marks
Title: Composition
Annotation: Following lines
Artist: Margaret Marks
Title: Composition
Annotation: Geometric shapes
Artist: Margaret Marks
Title: Composition
Annotation: Visible lines
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Family Photograph
Annotation: Constriction
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Family Photograph
Annotation: Expressions
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Family Photograph
Annotation: Family tree
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Family Photograph
Annotation: Helmet
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Family Photograph
Annotation: Imprison
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Family Photograph
Annotation: Triangle
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: The Breakfast Table
Annotation: Gold and pattern
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: The Breakfast Table
Annotation: Pony
Artist: John Allin
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Artist Information
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Margaret Marks
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Artist Information
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: Artist Information
Artist: John Allin
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Marcia Annenberg
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Edith Birkin
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Chana Kowalska
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Arnold Daghani
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Shmuel Dresner
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Mark Gertler
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Nina Grey
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: George Grosz
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Dora Holzhandler
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Leo Haas
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Margaret Marks
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Klaus Meyer
Title: Discussion Sheet
Artist: Solomon J Solomon
Title: Discussion Sheet